Of course, as a
whole project of this size and in populated
areas and as well as what requires to carry out
procedures of special field to facilitate the
business, we faced many obstacles and
difficulties that are needed to overcome a lot
of time and effort, from its early stages
through the phase of preparing the master plan
studies and up to the stages of implementation,
these obstacles can be summarized as the
Legal obstacles and
- The absence of necessary legislation:
To date, there was no law which required the
reconstruction effort to convince concerned
people that what we are doing is consistent with
the spirit of the law and public order.
- Determine the value of compensation and the
delay of payment:
-the compensation of the reconstruction has been
determine from the Lebanese government for each
residential unit to $ 46.666 regardless of the
size and division of two groups ( disposal of
the first payment will be immediate and the
second will be at the completion of construction
of buildings and structures).
- The compensation of reconstruction was
determined per square meter of warehouse (below
deck), $ 200 that the compensation does not
exceed $ 133.333 regardless of the area.
- The total assessed compensation cover only 45%
of the cost of reconstruction. However, the
process of compensation has not kept pace of
reconstruction in equal, for example; while the
proportion of the work of reconstruction
exceeded 95%, what was given from the Lebanese
government for the owners does not exceed 30% of
the total cost… It is realized that Waad project
works on restoring the surplus of the owners
paid amounts to those who their cost of
reconstruction is less than compensation, at the
same time Waad covered the additional cost to
those who they need more than the cost of

Collection and
- The preparation of the master plan and studies
required to collect all the required documents
to form the basis of adequate data and
information such as:
- Maps
settlement and secretion
- Aerial
Pictures of buildings from the outside and
specification forms for buildings
- Maps
lifting of the lower floors in some cases
- Strengthening and drilling:
- most of the buildings destroyed are beside
other buildings which still standing as we
already noticed. Therefore, it was necessary to
take measures of protection and prevention to
maintain public safety and obstacles in this
-The High Commission for Relief, a body that was
cleared up on merely removes the buildings to
the level of the ground floor and therefore the
completion of this file was the tasks of Waad
- Technical difficulties in completing the
consolidation of the presence of buildings and
infrastructure nearby, also no sufficient number
of companies specialized in this field were
- In addition to the above, the Lebanese
government did not notice the financial
compensation for this file (consolidation).
Lessons, contracting and
With respect to corporation, it contracted with
48 Office to prepare the necessary studies,
which were responsive significantly particularly
in terms of the amendments that were attached to
the studies because of the privacy of the file
from the hand approach the aforementioned
reality and for this segment of the social
peculiarities reflected in the design set.
Waad had put a draft from the early stages set
as conditions for the classification of
contractors in preparation for the assignment
and was insistent to raise the ceiling on these
conditions to limit the construction to major
corporations and world order to accelerate the
business, but when the bidding and at the moment
of specific policies, all these big companies
pulled out.
Therefore Waad resorted to the local companies,
and contracted with 23 companies and
contractors, which bore more than its
potentials, and that was what affected the
timetable for completion.
Also with respect to supervision of companies,
what applies to the construction companies in
terms of volume of business also made Waad to
create support units for these companies (and
Quality Unit, follow-up statements Unit ...).
The construction sector in Lebanon is based
mainly on Syrian workers and come back here to
the political circumstances that had a
significant impact on the size and the presence
of such employment at each joint political and
reflected negatively on the conduct of business.
Within the overall vision and goals developed by
Waad project, was to make way for the owners, as
we mentioned before, to participate in the
reconstruction through the following:
-requiring the owners’ approval to the studies.
- giving the owners the opportunity to make
internal adjustments.
- opening the door for owners to choose some
materials (tiles, ceramics, kitchen cabinets,
colors of the sinks...).
Follow up with official
The follow-up with the relevant official
institutions (municipalities, electricity, water
and telephone ministries...) was an obstacle
cannot be overlooked. In many cases, Waad was
completing the project while buildings had not
all the other services, forcing the project in
cooperation with the municipalities concerned to
implement some infrastructure work at Waad’s
expense. It also forced the project to set up a
special unit to follow up these files.