"Victory is not complete
but by the complete of reconstruction", and the
return of people to their villages and their
livelihood to that the social and economic life
is restored. Based on the said slogan, came the
plan to pay "the difference of official
compensation for the owners of destructed
buildings and economic institutions", or "paying
in advance 40% or 60%" in both south and Bekaa.
That was after the
organization found that it is not fair to treat
destroyed units on the same basis (i.e. pay 50
million Lebanese Liras), for there are big and
small units. Therefore, Jihad al Binaa adopted a
mechanism of payment based on calculating the
cost of reconstruction in accordance with the
area of the building, and from the numbers
reached by the organization, the amount due from
the state is set.
The Difference
of Compensation = (cost of reconstruction
according to the level of finishing + area) –
the official compensation
Jihad al Binaa was able to
accomplish this file in the Bekaa Valley in only
one month, to move to paying in the south within
three months. As for Beirut, the reconstruction
operation was ongoing under the custody of
project WAAD. Compensations for some 2480
demolished buildings were paid.
Jihad al Binaa's
initiative came with two basic considerations:
first is the delay by the government to disburse
dues set for those affected, and thus most of
the people cannot afford the burden of
reconstruction alone. Second, the amounts
allocated by the government, i.e. 60 million L.L
per housing unit (regardless of the area), and
300,000 L.L per square meter for the
organizations, are not enough to rebuild what
was destroyed, especially in light of the rising
prices of building materials.
It should be noted that
the compensation difference for organizations is
related only to the cost of reconstruction, and
does not include damages, economic losses of
goods, materials and others. It's recalled that
earlier, the affected people received a
percentage of the damage as a gift to the owners
of these institutions from Hizbullah Secretary
Jihad al Binaa established
two offices in the south and another in the
Bekaa in the service of the people benefiting
from its project. This was after the south was
divided into two areas; southern and northern
the Laytani River, where in the southern part
was the main bulk of destruction. The division
was to facilitate the communication with the
affected, and prevent transportation hardship.
As for the main
difficulties faced by the institution it is
represented by:
The lack of information
about the buildings and the difficulty of
collecting them due to the absence of field
survey in villages and cities for the buildings
located within the range of municipalities.
Therefore the data was collected from different
sources like municipalities, mayors, aerial
surveillances, statements from various sources
in the town, official documents (building
permits or building settlement…).
The lack of coordination
between the civil society associations and
organizations during and after the war, led to
the dispersion of efforts and duplication of
work by more than one side.