- Uranium:
What happened in Haret Hurreikh, represented by
melting the stone in an attempt to exterminate
the people, stands as best proof on the criminal
nature of "Israel". This nature raised doubt
that "Israel" exploited its stockpile of weapons
of mass destruction, including uranium, in its
aggression. Several tests showed the presence of
depleted uranium in tents and some destroyed

- Smart missiles in the Stupid hands:
News spread about the US providing "Israel" with
bunker-busting smart missiles of model GBU-28,
which are likely to be bearers of heads that are
made of tungsten or depleted uranium, due to the
large destructive power of these rockets.
- Vacuum Bombs
"Israel" always uses against the Arabs various
types of internationally banned weapons,
including vacuum bombs, which aim at emptying
the target from air, usually a building, in
order to completely destroy it. The explosion
leaves behind a mixture of fuel and air at
supersonic speed followed by vacuum. At that
moment, air is sucked, and those who do not die
because of this big explosion or the vacuum
resulted by it, are subjected to many injuries
including blindness, brain concussion, ruptured
eardrums, blockage of airways, lung collapse,
injury due to shrapnel, multiple internal
bleeding, and the removal of tearing of internal
The "Israeli" troops used to exploit a number of
forbidden chemical weapons, and among these
weapons the electron bombs and Thermite that
include bombing devices with the mission to
ignite the contents of the bomb that includes
chemicals such as phosphorus, magnesium, zinc,
Thermite, flaxseed which yields during the blast
fireballs that ignite the area surrounding.
- Stinking bombs
Enemy troops used this type of missile to attack
civilians and children. The massacre of
Marwaheen stands as an example for many other
massacres committed by "Israel" in Qana, Srifa,
Baalbek, Shiah, and Ghaziyeh. "Israeli"
deliberately killed innocent civilians, but the
horror of this murder was not something new, for
the enemy's registry is full of massacres.
- White Phosphorus:
This substance is highly flammable once exposed
to oxygen, and it causes severe deep and painful
burns when in contact with skin. According to
soldiers in the "Israeli" artillery, their
batteries fired phosphorus ammunitions to
Lebanon during the war, and these ammunitions
are prohibited by international law. The
soldiers added that most of those missiles were
launched in the last ten days of the aggression,
adding that they launched phosphorus in order to
cause fire breakouts in Lebanon.