


The most important achievements till now can be summarized as follows:
- Percentage of business progress is: 95% (Waad delivered 244 Building to the owners out of 269 assigned to re-colonize in the suburbs).
- The number of car parking that which Waad provided in addition to the pre-existing about 1000 cars. It is useful to mention here that this number of car parking has been provided, through:
    - Buy basements and converted to parking.
   - Make development of basements for this purpose, where possible, with coral (side walk), adapted the study of the sidewalks with the plan of the municipal of Haret Hreik and processed so as to provide easy movement of pedestrians and people with special needs with reference to the lack of access to the desired in this area because of the buildings still exist within these area, and what that means of dealing with a fait accompli.
    - Address the legal and financial situations that have a social impact (decoding mortgages and reservations, files a legal relationship ...)
    - formation a kind of official committees for the buildings, which deepen the culture of the common and legal work.