
Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed
Hassan Nasrallah's announcement in August 14,
the rebuilding and reconstruction project began,
and more than 3000 volunteers, among them 650
engineers responded to the appeal.
The team work at Jihad el-Binaa took into
consideration all primary information and
started preparing the interfering strategy,
making use of the previous experiments, even if
they seems to be quite humble before this
situation. The preparation of the interference
plan and its framework was ready during the July
war, and was ready for implementation on the eve
of fire cease in August 14, 2006.
Lebanon was divided into 5 major areas that
were: the southern area of the Laytani River,
the north of the Laytani River, Beirut and Mount
Lebanon, the Bekaa, and the north.
On its part, the said areas were divided into a
group of centers, and the centers into quarters,
and each quarter into a group of towns, and then
a manager was be declared on each of these
spheres, who would facilitate the communication
with the people, therefore surpassing any
administrative complications.