The people of this world all agree on that what
is built in years near few minutes to be
destroyed, and what is destroyed needs ages to
be rebuilt; and this was adopted as an example
to follow.
There was one association that broke this
saying, and it walked in the opposite path; so
in their culture they were builders, and as they
were in their spirits victorious: they are the
engineers and members of Jihad al-Binaa.
The talks of destruction, and the need for ages
to be reconstructed has gone and disappeared
starting August 14, 2006. This was the date that
installed in a story of civilization
unforgettable images; where they embraced
hardship, and confronted challenges with high
determinations, no less than the Soldiers of
Allah, who have stood steadfast, and were able
in 33 days,
to defeat the Zionists. These soldiers won the
second battle of parties (Ahzab), as did Prophet
Mohammad and Imam in the first battle.
Rare it is to find men like the builders of
Jihad al-Binaa; they were the men to carry under
their arms challenges since the establishment of
the association. They used to build what was
destructed by the enemy, and usually they used
to remove all traces of aggression despite the
ongoing fire and airstrike.
At a first glance, it might appear that they are
building the wall which the demolishing dust is
still emitting from it. They reconstruct and
rebuild before the war is over, and before the
cannon cools down. They became a motto for the
free people of the world, and they became a
terrifying example for the enemy; and due to
their grudge, envy and fear, they added them to
their so-called terrorism list.
Jihad al-Binaa recorded a new school and unique
methodology for humanity, and compared to all
experiences of nations, there wouldn’t find any
similar one; this experience was able to control
the intellectual and subconscious attention of
the people far away before the people living
In New Orleans, US, an earthquake occurred, and
so houses and shops were destroyed as a result.
Construction seemed to be impossible in that
area then, and US studies remained confused for
over two years, to find plans through which they
can reconstruct and remove all rubbles. In
Lebanon, where the dust was removed off
thousands of demolished houses, and tens of
thousands of houses that need to be
reconstructed, in addition to the bridges and
public roads and trees… were demolished by
"Israeli" smart and fool missiles. It had to
exploit its strategic weaponry storage, and it
opened its aerial and naval bridges for all
those willing to support it… near and far.
The aggression therefore affected the livelihood
aspects in Lebanon, and most of them places with
pro-resistance approaches, mainly targeting the
resistance and the ability of the area's nation,
where it is embraced; in the south, Bekaa, and
the southern suburb. The different economic
sectors were affects totally or partially,
whether the industry, agriculture, trade, and
tourism. Targeting the factories and power
plants was clear, even those far from the battle
field, in order to harm as much as possible the
economy in Lebanon, and especially in the
resistance environment.
This aggression sought to change the demographic
geography in Lebanon, and to crush all
resistance-embracing opposition sectors, through
collaborating with internal parties who used to
take advantage of the country and dominate it.
This aggression and destruction caused the total
destruction of more than 19918 housing units,
while 121300 were partially destroyed, and
114000 others need reconstruction. Places of
religion, schools, medical centers, bridges, and
roads were also destroyed.
Moreover, the agricultural associations, and
those responsible for the animal resources,
industrial, commercial, and political
organizations were victims, in addition to the
various transportation
like cars and trucks… etc.
On another hand, while the resistance fighters
are still outside their den protecting it, and
while the immigrants haven’t return to their
homes yet, and international resolutions were
being harshly targeted; all this did not limit
the determination of Jihad al-Binaa, who put on
their hats, and were viral to start a new era of
building and reconstruction.
In Lebanon, the culture of weakness controlled
the power, until the politicians of Lebanon were
known for their commitments; indicating that
"Lebanon's power lies in its weakness".
However, after mid-August 2006, together with
the July happenings, there came a new strange
notion for the politicians, yet associated to
the Mujahedeen, which states that "the eye can
resist the drill", and the tough arms can
rebuild all what the enemy has destroyed, as
long as the determination is high, and the path
is ongoing.
The aforementioned is not a slogan to be
chanted, but it is the hard way chosen by the
resistance and martyrs, and Jihad al-Binaa
bonds, who presented tens of martyrs from its
engineers and workers. This is how they built
their life, and lasted in its after.
Jihad al-Binaa (the Jihad of Building)
association was launched some twenty years ago,
in the womb of suffering, where the good
livelihood elements were not found, due to the
Zionist enemy occupation of Palestine, the
deliberate Lebanese government negligence, and
the constant "Israeli" violation.
Afterwards, the direct occupation came in 1982,
and here the association was launched, aiming at
keeping the people in their lands, and not
giving the enemy the opportunity to invest in
the negative repercussion of the repetitive
Although there was diversity in the
association's work, on the level of development,
which mainly was afflicted with the priorities
and needs of the targeted areas in different
historical periods, the goal was to keep the
people in their lands though the reconstruction
and sheltering program which always comes as the
first priority.
The July 2006 war was not a hardship on the
people and trees only, but it also harmed the
stones and rocks. The systematic and focused
destructing policy on residential areas, the
infrastructure and economic organization,
adopted by the "Israeli" army machine, mainly
sought to switch the Lebanese public opinion
against the resistance, especially the latter's
nation which has embraced it for over the years.
The enemy through it can achieve that by
destroying the work of the people's lifetime.
Therefore, the aim from this is to understand
what context pushed Jihad al-Binaa into
interfering, because it believes that the
resistance's victory is not complete but through
another kind of Jihad, which it absorbing the
repercussions of aggression, guaranteeing the
return of the people to their houses and towns,
and restoring the circle of life.
Thus, since its establishment in 1988, Jihad al-Binaa
association has faced the challenge of
reconstruction, many times, the top of which was
the "Israeli" aggression in July 1993. Although
the association was still in baby steps, it was
able to succeed the hard test, which it also
succeeded after the "Israeli" aggression in
April 1996. However, the size of destruction in
the July 2006 aggression was harsh and
unprecedented, for it spread over the
repercussions of the 1993 and 1996 wars
The Beginning of the
Due to the major repercussion of the Zionist
aggression on Lebanon in 19982, and the negative
effects of the internal war, deprivation reached
the Lebanese areas which has been historically
neglected, especially in the Bekaa, south, and
north, which now lack the bare necessities of
There must have been a step to face all forms of
poverty and deprivation, in order to reduce the
risks of accumulated poverty and destitution
effects. So, this step came parallel to the
great step and glorious and honorable stance
with the Islamic Resistance fighters against the
enemy, in order to combine both stances and
confronts; and the motto became a fact:
Together we Resist,
Together we Build.

In these difficult circumstances, Jihad al-Binaa
development association was born, and it is
committed to development work in various fields,
and it vows to remove all the effects of
aggression on Lebanon, whatever the size was;
and experience stands as the best proof.